We are your one contact to locate, build, furnish, equip and even staff a new business location, coordinating all of the details, from the design of your space to the physical build-out, handling permits, inspections, construction schedules and regulations, making sure everything is up-to-code. We know what it takes to get a physical space up and running.
Based in Paris, we have a collaborator network in Europe, North America, Asia and Oceania to do what you want, wherever you want it. We assemble the appropriate teams, we coordinate and manage everyone involved to ensure all the details of your expansion project are handled and that every single aspect is completed on time and on budget.
Whatever your project is, we can source and coordinate the right people for your project, tie up the loose ends, reduce the endless meetings and deliver an end product without the hassle.
Don't think of us as just another contractor. We want to get the job done as fast as you do.
We take over the details and hand you the keys.